Discover How to Play Craps – hints and Strategies: Take an Open Position Betting House Games – Craps
Mar 142010
[ English ]

If you are searching for anticipation, noise and more excitement than you can stand, then craps is the game to gamble on.

Craps is an exciting casino game with whales, low-rollers, and all players in between. If you’re a person-watcher this is one game that you will want to observe. There’s the whale, playing with a big amount of money and making loud announcements when he wagers across the board, "five hundred and twenty dollars across," you will hear the whale say. He is the individual to observe at this table and they know it. They will either succeed big or lose big and there is nothing in between.

There is the low-roller, maybe trying to acquaint himself with the high-roller. He will inform the other gamblers of books he has read on dice tossing and hang around the most accomplished player at the table, ready to talk and "pick each others brains".

My favourite players at the table are the true gentlemen from the good old days. These experienced guys are usually tolerant, commonly gentle and will frequently offer tricks from the "good ole days."

There are many different personalities that you’ll notice around a busy Craps table. When you bite the bullet and determine to participate in the game, be sure you use proper behavior. Locate a space on the rail and lay your cash down in front of you in the "come" area. Do not ever do this when the dice are moving or you will become known as the last character I wanted to talk of, the ass.

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